The chameleon is versatile, agile, and blends in with the environment for its protection. Based on its behavior, we found the inspiration to give different details to our organic cotton t-shirts. Sometimes as a form of “experience,” other times as a way to provide our wolves a unique and customizable piece. So, like the chameleon, this t-shirt would adapt and change depending on the environment.

Over the last three years, I, Pedro, have been drawing, and Patrícia was materializing and testing the lines and drawings that could work better.
Until one day, Maria appeared, and as she was in her own process and life project, she decided to learn to embroider since it was an art that fascinated her.
Maria started to be part of many of our conversations about this adventure called “Indagatio”... And we had a good time with her.
She embroidered and perfected her technique, and one day she embroidered four times on four t-shirts, the flowers that I once designed, reusing the stock of our organic cotton t-shirts.
Consequently, the Flora Special collection was born.
Thanks to Maria - another wolf that walked with us on this journey, and that we will never forget - Chamaleo chamaleo t-shirts now have a new life… and new ones may come.
We hope to find other wolves like her, who present their ideas and intentions.
The future is full of surprises. So, who knows?